Meaning of (सियापोश) siyaposha in english

As noun : black Ex:  Manganese peroxide called black Magnesia formerly used to prepare oxygen and chlorine
dark Ex:  VELOUTÉ in terms of jewelery, says the stones which are a rich color, dark ebony raven ill Ex:  To say ill of his neighbor evil Ex:  OPINION judgment also means good or evil that concerns a person ill starred bad Ex:  He often says figuratively, both good as bad part of it is able to form, giving the experience into something , instructing calamity ill fated
As adjective : sinister unfavourable sad Ex:  It's sad face untoward unlucky unpropitious inauspicious
Suggested : threatening or portending evil, harm, or trouble ominous any of several large, corvine birds having lustrous, black plumage and a loud, harsh call, especially Corvus corax, of the New and Old Worlds a hard, heavy, durable wood, most highly prized when black, from various tropical trees of the genus Diospyros, as D ebenum of southern India and Sri Lanka, used for cabinetwork, ornamental objects, etc having very little or no light lacking hue and brightness absorbing light without reflecting any of the rays composing it
Exampleसियापोश का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(सियापोश) siyaposha can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of more than one word . Transliteration : siyaaposha

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