Meaning of (शब्दी) shabdee in english

As noun : post
seat Ex:  A parliamentary seat office Ex:  The German office of the International Finance Corporation title Ex:  He later changed the work's title to "Sinfonia Eroica rank Ex:  Retain a cause also means to maintain the role to be dealt to his rank without within charge Ex:  Sub-officer in charge of the postal service in a regiment or a military establishment step Ex:  He made a false step place Ex:  The legal status of place names has recently been the subject of controversy incumbency class Ex:  The class of mammals term Ex:  The term Riksdag was used for the first time in the 1540s grade position Ex:  More important for his work overall may have been his position as an expatriate exhortation law Ex:  The law provides that resident expatriates homily discourse pedagogy education Ex:  Vivian Hartley completed her later education in Europe school Ex:  As school populations have fallen in parts of the county apprenticeship Ex:  Absolutely, Life is a long apprenticeship instruction Ex:  Order instruction that is given to a sentinel, a star, the chief of a position on what should be the subject its monitoring and on what to do or prevent, etc teaching Ex:  One of Jesus' famous teaching episodes
Suggested : a number of persons forming a separate class in a social hierarchy or in any graded body the distinguishing name of a book, poem, picture, piece of music, or the like a room, set of rooms, or building where the business of a commercial or industrial organization or of a professional person is conducted something designed to support a person in a sitting position, as a chair, bench, or pew a place on or in which one sits a strong piece of timber, metal, or the like, set upright as a support, a point of attachment, a place for displaying notices, etc
Exampleशब्दी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(शब्दी) shabdee can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : shabdii

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