Meaning of (श्लाघनीय) shlaghaneeya in english

As noun : praiseworthy
noble Ex:  This is today Simple noble title fine Ex:  It was fine to say that, speaking of such a high Ex:  Many inorganic compounds are characterized by high melting points. choice Ex:  The Iroquois had little choice vintage divine Ex:  The divine nature
As verb : surpassing
As adjective : admirable Ex:  It also means the sculptor of Work; This gallery contains admirable sculptures उ:   यह प्रक्रिया गणित की श्लाघनीय विशेषता है। wonderful Ex:  In this poem, the wonderful allegorical employment is reduced by characters applaudable creditable laudable neat smashing excellent Ex:  Morale was excellent exquisite eminent superior Ex:  To revolt against his superior unexceptionable
As adverb : commendable Ex:  It means by analogy Create an establishment, a commendable work, by providing them with useful funds for their maintenance उ:   रीतिकाल में सेनापति और पद्माकर का गंगा वर्णन श्लाघनीय है। precious Ex:  It is said, specifically, some precious written by seniority, or their purpose, or their material and rarity
Other : praise-worthy
Suggested : in a pleasingly orderly and clean condition deserving praise praiseworthy commendable distinguished by rank or title excellent great marvelous worthy of admiration inspiring approval, reverence, or affection
Exampleश्लाघनीय का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(श्लाघनीय) shlaghaneeya can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : shlaaghaniiya

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