Ubena synonyms

उबेना के समानार्थक शब्द

Here is the list of ubena synonyms in hindi language. The words which are related or similar to ubena are also displayed as उबेना synonyms. Know the synonyms of ubena in hindi. What is ubena hindi synonyms?
Is prashth par (उबेना) ubena ke paryayvachi (पर्यायवाची) ya samanarthak (समानार्थक) shabd hindi bhasha mein diye gaye hain.
nnga / नंगाbina joote ka / बिना जूते का

Related synonyms of ubena

uberana (उबेरना) ubothanaa (उबोठना) ubbahikaa (उब्बहिका) ublaank (उब्लांक) ubh (उभ) ubhai (उभइ) ubhatana (उभटना) ubhad aana (उभड आना) ubhadana (उभडना) ubhadanevaala (उभडनेवाला) ubhadana (उभड़ना) ubhada bhaag jisamen do naaliyaan banee hon (उभडा भाग जिसमें दो नालियाँ बनी हों) ubhada hua (उभडा हुआ) ubhade hue bichale bhaagavaala (उभडे हुए बिचले भागवाला) ubhana (उभना) ubhabynjana (उभब्यंजन) ubhay pakshee (उभय पक्षी) ubhay pratirodhan karmak (उभय प्रतिरोधन कर्मक) ubhay pratirodhan kshamata (उभय प्रतिरोधन क्षमता) ubhay pratirodhit (उभय प्रतिरोधित)