Meaning of tej karna in english

Interpreting tej karna - तेज़ करना
As noun : edge Ex:  Waterbury has a Democratic registration edge
whet accelerate Ex:  We must accelerate this work sharpen Ex:  Instrument used to sharpen turn up speed up speed Ex:  It reached a maximum speed of 6.4 kilometres per hour.
As verb : quicken
Other : sharpen Ex:  By analogy, Cuttlebone Part limestone that forms the backbone of the body and the cuttlefish which caged birds sharpen their beaks gear up intensify whet to grind Ex:  Who millstones to grind compared to kick up to edge quicken grind Ex:  Who millstones to grind compared to perk point Ex:  The highest point is Mount Thullier at 642 m . sharp Ex:  It means, in terms of Arts, Breaking, with a diamond-tipped hammer, certain hard materials that can not be initiated by a sharp tool to intensify to perk to sharpen Ex:  Small instrument used to sharpen pencils to sharp to quicken to whet
Suggested : an increasing of speed to cause to move around on an axis or about a center rotate to cause faster or greater activity, development, progress, advancement, etc, in to make more rapid accelerate hasten to sharpen (a knife, tool, etc) by grinding or friction
Exampleतेज़ करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of tej karna Antonyms of tej karna

Word of the day
tej karna can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. Transliteration : teja karanaa

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