Meaning of u in english

Interpreting u - उ
As noun : even if Ex:  And even if we accept the concept of the full infinitive उ:   वे प्रधानमंत्री उ नू के स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय के संसदीय सचिव भी थे।
at that Ex:  Look at that girl standing there. उ:   'न वा उ ते तन्वा तन्वं सं पपृच्यां पापमाहुर्यः स्वसारं निगच्छात् । to boot and all Ex:  The film I recently saw had many affecting scenes, and all the people were crying. by extension Ex:  ARM means by extension the same person who works, who acts or who can work, act man Ex:  a shabbily dressed man bull Ex:  Its opposite is a bull market, and bullish sentiment from bulls. buck Ex:  In 1986 he recalled, "the buck had to stop somewhere, and it was with me.
As adjective : even Ex:  I kept him on, even though his work was poor. उ:   'अन्यमूषु त्वं यम्यन्य उ त्वां परिष्वजाते लिबुजेव वृक्षम् । male Ex:  Flying aircrafts has been a male bastion.
As adverb : too Ex:  that car is too expensive for my pocketbook उ:   रामनगर २९.४०° उ ७९.१०° पू अक्षांश पर स्थित है। either Ex:  war that caught them in its toils either psychologically or physically उ:   हल्द्वानी २९.२२° उ ७९.५२° पू के अक्षांश पर स्थित है। also Ex:  Leander Paess Indian compatriot Mahesh Bhupati is also a good singles player. उ:   उन दिनों हिन्दी की वर्णमाला में उ से उल्लू ही पढ़ाया जाता था। as well Ex:  My house is equidistant from both the railway station as well as the airport. उ:   स्वतंत्र स्वरों में केवल अ, इ, उ के लिए अलग संकेत हैं। besides Ex:  Godwin felt discrimination on any grounds besides ability was intolerable. so Ex:  Leander Paess Indian compatriot Mahesh Bhupati is also a good singles player. anyway Ex:  Oh, let's ask him out anyway .
Other : fifth vowel of the devanagari syllabary vicegerency vice Ex:  I don't want to talk to a vice president .
ExampleSynonyms of u

Word of the day
Usage of उ:
1. एक और परमाणु परीक्षण की तैयारी कर रहा है उ कोरिया: द कोरियाlivehindustan.com2. एक और परमाणु परीक्षण की तैयारी कर रहा है उ कोरिया: द कोरियाlivehindustan.com3. उ jagran.comRelated words :
u Transliteration : u

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