Meaning of umadana in english

Interpreting umadana - उमड़ना
As noun : brew Ex:  They brew wine every year.
Other :
well Ex:  The bottle that he gave me lasted for a month. The well was dug at a huge cost; but the water did not last long. well up Ex:  Joan's well up in years but healthy . surge Ex:  The surge in stock price is fueled primarily by individual investors rain Ex:  The rain kept on all night. stir Ex:  fanning grain, stir with the shovel, to give him air and prevent it s' heats swell Ex:  Larger BLOW also means, something swell blowing well Ex:  i am well wisher.
Suggested : in a good or satisfactory manner to grow in bulk, as by the absorption of moisture or the processes of growth to move one's hand or an implement continuously or repeatedly through (a liquid or other substance) in order to cool, mix, agitate, dissolve, etc, any or all of the component parts water that is condensed from the aqueous vapor in the atmosphere and falls to earth in drops more than 1/50 inch (05 mm) in diameter Compare drizzle ( def 6 ) a strong, wavelike, forward movement , rush, or sweep
Exampleउमड़ना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of umadana

Word of the day
umadana and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Verb in hindi originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : umaDanaa

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