Meaning of vilayan in english

Interpreting vilayan - विलयन
As noun : solution Ex:  Some modern commentators agree with Hume's solution उ:   बड़े कणों के विलयन का रंग नीला रहता है।
merger Ex:  The merger of the two Niles is known as "the Mogran". उ:   कश्मीर का भारत में विलयन विधि सम्मत माना गया। dissolution Ex:  Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991 उ:   ठोसों का ठोसों में भी विलयन बनता है। mergence उ:   जलीय विलयन का स्वाद तिक्ताकषाय होता है। dilution उ:   इसके विलयन तथा वाष्प दोनों विषैले होते हैं।
Other : merging Ex:  New Belgrade was built on the Sava's left bank, merging Belgrade with Zemun. उ:   जलीय विलयन में हाइड्रेज़ीन प्रबल अपचायक होता है।
Suggested : the act of diluting or the state of being diluted to cause to combine or coalesce unite the act or process of resolving or dissolving into parts or elements a statutory combination of two or more corporations by the transfer of the properties to one surviving corporation the act of solving a problem, question, etc
Exampleविलयन का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of vilayan Antonyms of vilayan

Word of the day
vilayan can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : vilayana

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