Meaning of (यथाज्येष्ठ) yathajyeshtha in english

As noun : post Ex:  The windows of a post office, the box in a bank home
seat Ex:  It is the county seat of Fulton County office Ex:  In total, there are 10 office towers that are at least 150 metres or higher. title Ex:  As the title suggests rank Ex:  Minister Resident Agent Diplomatic rank immediately below that of Minister Plenipotentiary accredited in a small country charge Ex:  It was ten years ago that he served as mayor, deputy, notary charge step Ex:  As the next step before a planned invasion of the Japanese mainland place Ex:  The Ceremonial Groundbreaking took place on November 13 incumbency class Ex:  Minerals of the organic class include various oxalates term Ex:  During his 11 year term grade Ex:  The composition of this candidate, this student was rated as fair, had the passing grade position Ex:  Regardless of any particular linguist's position
Suggested : a number of persons forming a separate class in a social hierarchy or in any graded body the distinguishing name of a book, poem, picture, piece of music, or the like a room, set of rooms, or building where the business of a commercial or industrial organization or of a professional person is conducted something designed to support a person in a sitting position, as a chair, bench, or pew a place on or in which one sits a strong piece of timber, metal, or the like, set upright as a support, a point of attachment, a place for displaying notices, etc
Exampleयथाज्येष्ठ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(यथाज्येष्ठ) yathajyeshtha can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including consonants matras. The word is used as Verb and/or Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : yathaajyeShTha

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