aavh, avh meaning in english

आव्ह का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : आव्ह

Transliteration : aavha

Other spellings : aavh, avh
As adjective :

Meaning of aavh, avh in marathi

naavaache / नावाचे

Identical words :

As noun :
aavhaas ( आव्हास ) - illusion
As adjective :
aavhaakaar ( आव्हाकार ) - circularaavhaantar ( आव्हांतर ) - untimely
As transitive verb :
aavhaatane ( आव्हाटणे ) - to make a detouraavhaanane ( आव्हानणे ) - to invoke
aavhaat ( आव्हाट ) - side road
Marathi to English