kirt, kirt meaning in english

कीर्त का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : कीर्त

Transliteration : kiirta

Other spellings : kirt, kirt
As noun :

Meaning of kirt, kirt in marathi

kirti / कीर्तीkhyaati / ख्याती

Identical words :

As noun :
kirtan ( कीर्तन ) - templekirtimukhatv ( कीर्तिमुखत्व ) - disappearingkirttan ( कीर्त्तन ) - temple
As transitive verb :
kirttane ( कीर्त्तणे ) - to praise God
kirti ( कीर्ति ) - famekirtikathiya ( कीर्तिकठिया ) - temple priest who worships for his own glorykirtistambh ( कीर्तिस्तंभ ) - pillar erected as a memorial of victory
Marathi to English