khal meaning in english

खळ का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : खळ

Transliteration : khaLa

Other spellings : khal
- Ṭīpa
vile or wicked person

Identical words :

As noun :
khalabalane ( खळबळणे ) - to be in a state of commotionkhalen ( खळें ) - threshing floorkhaledaan ( खळेदान ) - grain distributed on the threshing floor
As adjective :
khaliv ( खळीव ) - printed cloth
As transitive verb :
khalakhalane ( खळखळणे ) - to roar
khalaal ( खळाळ ) - gurgling stream of waterkhali ( खळी ) - calico printing
Marathi to English