lok meaning in english
लोक का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ
शब्द : लोक
Transliteration : loka
Other spellings : lokMeaning of lok in marathi
jan / जन
Identical words :
lokapaalapaal ( लोकपाल--पाळ ) - guardian deities of the four cardinal and four intermediate directionslokaant ( लोकान्त ) - the absence of solitudelokaapavaad ( लोकापवाद ) - public censurelokaalok ( लोकालोक ) - the name of a mountain that encircles the earth and divides the visible world from the regions of darkness
Marathi to English
Recent Marathi English Meaning
loloklokaapavaad, lokapavadlokokti, lokoktilokhandlokaalok, lokaloklotlotanelotaangan, lotanganlotiloti, lotilotilotha, lothlodhanenlodhaalondha, lodhalondhlonavaan, lonavanlonasanenlonichenloni, lonilothlodhanelon