phul meaning in english
फुल का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ
शब्द : फुल
Transliteration : phula
Other spellings : phulAs noun :
Meaning of phul in marathi
phool / फूल
Identical words :
As transitive verb :
phulane ( फुलणे ) - to bloom
phulane ( फुलणे ) - to bloom
phulabaduva ( फुलबडुवा ) - attendant who brings flowers to a deityphulavara ( फुलवरा ) - frame made of flowers, fruits etc arranged over the image of a godphulavau ( फुलवौ ) - garland of flowersphulasar ( फुलसर ) - garland of flowersphulasaant ( फुलसांत ) - flower marketphulasoji ( फुलसोजी ) - coarsely ground wheat flourphulasri ( फुलस्रि ) - garland of flowersphuli ( फुली ) - ' - Ṭīpaphulaura ( फुलौरा ) - frame made of flowers, fruits etc arranged over the image of a godphullaura ( फुल्लौरा ) - blossomingphulhaar ( फुल्हार ) - blossoming
Marathi to English
Recent Marathi English Meaning
phulabaduva, phulabaduvphulavara, phulavarphulavauphulasarphulasaant, phulasantphulasoji, phulasojiphulasriphuli, phuliphulaura, phulaurphullaura, phullaurphulhaar, phulharphuvauphuuphuukphuulagandhphuulabadua, phuulabaduphuulaasari, phuulasari, phuulaasariphenkaarane, phenkaranephendi, phendiphendi, phendi