praj meaning in english

प्रज का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : प्रज

Transliteration : praja

Other spellings : praj
the hilt of a weapon

Identical words :

As noun :
prajany ( प्रजन्य ) - rain
As adjective :
prajaaparithi ( प्रजापरिठि ) - protecting her subjects, that is, her devotees
As transitive verb :
prajane ( प्रजणे ) - to wield a weaponprajalane ( प्रजळणे ) - to lightprajvalane ( प्रज्वळणे ) - to be aflame
prajan ( प्रजन ) - foreign people or landpraja ( प्रजा ) - subjectsprajita ( प्रजिता ) - one who wields a weaponpragya ( प्रज्ञा ) - the intellect
Marathi to English