azuvm meaning in english

Word: அழுவம் - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
azuvm means
1. the state of being extended.
2. a division of these waters, of considerable extent, more or less definitely marked off by land boundaries
3. clear to the mind; evident, manifest, or obvious
4. the territory of a nation.
5. a division of these waters, of considerable extent, more or less definitely marked off by land boundaries
6. not clear or pure
7. large in number; numerous
8. to be troubled with fear or apprehension.

Transliteration : aẕuvm Other spellings : azuvm

Meanings in english :

As noun :
country Ex: Winter precipitation in most parts of the country (அழுவம்) usually falls as snow.
As adjective :

Meaning of azuvm in tamil

tappu / டாப்பு
natu / நாடுktl / கடல்va zukkunilam / வ ழுக்குநிலம்turukkm / துருக்கம்perumai / பெருமைntukkm / நடுக்கம்murachu / முரசுpor kkalam / போர் க்களம்
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