chompl meaning in english

Word: சோம்பல் - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chompl means
1. lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.
2. not acting or working with full vigor, as bodily organs
3. mental torpor; apathy; stupefaction.
4. tearful; weepy
5. a state of extreme necessity or misfortune.

Transliteration : cōmpl Other spellings : chompl

Meanings in english :

As noun :
listlessness laziness distress

Meaning of chompl in tamil

chompu / சோம்பு
mykkm / மயக்கம்alampal / அலம்பல்vaichuri / வைசூரிenakkuchchompalayirukkiṟatu / எனக்குச்சோம்பலாயிருக்கிறது

Identical words :

chompalmuṟikka ( சோம்பல்முறிக்க ) - to yawn
Tamil to English
English To Tamil