chankaittazchchi meaning in english

Word: சங்கைத்தாழ்ச்சி - The tamil word have 15 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chankaittazchchi means
1. disgrace; ignominy; shame
2. to show to be undeserving of trust or belief; destroy confidence in
3. a person, act, or thing that causes shame, reproach, or dishonor or is dishonorable or shameful.

Transliteration : caṅkaittāẕcci Other spellings : chankaittazchchi

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of chankaittazchchi in tamil

மானத்தாழ்ச்சி / மானத்தாழ்ச்சி
Tamil to English
English To Tamil