chingkam meaning in english

Word: சிங்கம் - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chingkam means
1. any of various related large wildcats, as the cougar.
2. large in number; numerous

Transliteration : cingkam Other spellings : chingkam

Meanings in english :

As noun :
As adjective :

Meaning of chingkam in tamil

uyarnton / உயர்ந்தோன்
of the stichk in the game of kittipullu / of the stick in the game of கிட்டிபுள்ளுmeasured from the plache where the pullu falls to the goal / measured from the place where the புள்ளு falls to the goalvilaiyattilora lavu / விளையாட்டிலோர ளவுchara kantapashanam / சர காண்டபாஷாணம்
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