chvvu meaning in english

Word: சவ்வு - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chvvu means
1. the partition separating the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity in mammals .
2. the epidermis.
3. Zoology. the outermost living layer of an animal, usually composed of one or more layers of cells.

Transliteration : cvvu Other spellings : chvvu

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of chvvu in tamil

kutaṟchavvu / குடற்சவ்வு
kanchav vu / கண்சவ் வுpunnachatu / புண்ணசடுkottaichchavvu / கொட்டைச்சவ்வுpunchavvu / புண்சவ்வுchvvrichi / சவ்வரிசி

Identical words :

chavvurikka ( சவ்வுரிக்க ) - to remove a film from the eyechavvukaraiya ( சவ்வுகரைய ) - to be corroded as proud flesh by causticchavvuttol ( சவ்வுத்தோல் ) - caul skin covering a child's drum or any such play thing
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