ichan meaning in english

Word: ஈசன் - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ichan means
1. a person or thing preeminent in its class
2. above the average in excellence, merit, intelligence, etc.
3. Also, rule . a strip of wood, metal, or other material having a straight edge and usually marked off in inches or centimeters, used for drawing lines, measuring, etc.
4. an owner of a slave, animal, etc.

Transliteration : īcaṉ Other spellings : ichan

Meanings in english :

As noun :
divine being siva em peror superior ruler master

Meaning of ichan in tamil

kata vul / கட வுள்
chivn / சிவன்archn / அரசன்

Identical words :

ichanmaintan ( ஈசன்மைந்தன் ) - ganesaichanṟar ( ஈசன்றார் ) - garland of the cassia
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