eruvai meaning in english

Word: எருவை - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
eruvai means
1. the vital principle; life
2. a figure or representation of an eagle, much used as an emblem
3. a metallic reddish brown.
4. any wild species of the genus Equus, as the onager.
5. a representation of this animal, used in the U.S. since 1874 as the emblem of the Republican Party.

Transliteration : eruvai Other spellings : eruvai

Meanings in english :

As noun :
eagle copper ass elephant

Meaning of eruvai in tamil

utiram / உதிரம்
kzuku / கழுகுchempu / செம்புkoṟukkai / கொறுக்கைkorai / கோரைkzutai / கழுதைyanai / யானை
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