ezuttuchchariyai meaning in english

Word: எழுத்துச்சாரியை - The tamil word have 15 characters.
Transliteration : eẕuttuccāriyai Other spellings : ezuttuchchariyai

Meanings in english :

Meaning of ezuttuchchariyai in tamil

single letters used as a சாரியை as அ in செய்தது / single letters used as a சாரியை as அ in செய்ததுன் in கோன் / ன் in கோன்கு in செய்குவாம் / கு in செய்குவாம்ezuttinchari yai / எழுத்தின்சாரி யைpartichles employed to express the names of the letters as a with the chonsonants / particles employed to express the names of the letters as அ with the consonantskaram / கரம்karam and kan with the short letters and sometimes with the chonsonants / காரம் and கான் with the short letters and sometimes with the consonantskaram with the long vowels and kan with ai and au / காரம் with the long vowels and கான் with ஐ and ஔ
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