itaippata meaning in english

Word: இடைப்பட - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
itaippata means
1. to arrive by movement or in the course of progress
2. intermediate to, in time, quantity, or degree
3. in the midst of, so as to influence

Transliteration : iṭaippaṭa Other spellings : itaippata

Meanings in english :

As adverb :
between Ex: Estimated deaths in India between (இடைப்பட) 1817 and 1860 exceeded 15 million persons.
to interpose happen in the interim come in among Ex: It is possible that North America had several peoples among (இடைப்பட) its early settlers. to happen

Meaning of itaippata in tamil

itaiyiluntaka / இடையிலுண்டாக

Identical words :

itaippatutanam ( இடைப்படுதானம் ) - giving of a secondary order
Tamil to English
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