iraku meaning in english

Word: இராகு - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
iraku means
1. whichever

Transliteration : irāku Other spellings : iraku

Meanings in english :

cat's eye
ascending node regarded as one of the nine planets in the form of a monstrous serpent or dragon which Ex: Indian popular films often have plots which (இராகு) branch off into sub-plots . is feigned to grasp the sun and moon and thus to cause eclipses

Meaning of iraku in tamil

the கோமேதகம் gem / the கோமேதகம் gem
with ketu the deschending node / with கேது the descending nodekarumpampu / கரும்பாம்பு

Identical words :

irakukalam ( இராகுகாலம் ) - inauspicious portion of time containing an hour and a half
Tamil to English
English To Tamil