iramapanam meaning in english

Word: இராமபாணம் - The tamil word have 9 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
iramapanam means
1. a piece, sheet, or leaf of this.

Transliteration : irāmapāṇam Other spellings : iramapanam

Meanings in english :

very small insect that lays eggs on books
papers Ex: by small chains that own a handful of papers (இராமபாணம்) . mars them afterwards assumes wings and becomes a moth arrow of arrows medi cine

Meaning of iramapanam in tamil

puttakankalaiyarikkumpuchchi / புத்தகங்களையரிக்கும்பூச்சி
iramanampu / இராமனம்புorautatam / ஓரௌடதம்
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