kallan meaning in english

Word: கள்ளன் - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kallan means
1. a playfully mischievous person; scamp
2. leading an unsettled or carefree life.
3. a character in a play, novel, or the like, who constitutes an important evil agency in the plot.
4. Cards. jack 1
5. guilty of crime .
6. Archaic. a wicked person.

Transliteration : kal.l.aṉ Other spellings : kallan

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of kallan in tamil

kallar / கள்ளர்
tirutn / திருடன்kallachchatiyan / கள்ளச்சாதியான்
Tamil to English
English To Tamil