kanalal meaning in english

Word: கஞலல் - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kanalal means
1. to stop or obstruct
2. limited in extent or space; affording little room
3. growing or advancing to adult years
4. the altitude of a place above sea level or ground level.
5. austere simplicity, as of style, manner, or taste
6. that is over or completed within a short interval of time
7. complete; entire; maximum
8. overflowing fullness

Transliteration : kañalal Other spellings : kanalal

Meanings in english :

As noun :
fullness luxuriance abundance

Meaning of kanalal in tamil

kanalutal kanaṟal / கஞலுதல் கஞறல்
nerungkl / நெருங்கல்ezuchchi / எழுச்சிkatuppu / கடுப்புchinakkuṟippu / சினக்குறிப்புpolivu / பொலிவுmikuti / மிகுதி
Tamil to English
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