kanchukam meaning in english

Word: கஞ்சுகம் - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kanchukam means
1. the part of a woman's dress covering the body between the neck or shoulders and the waist. Compare waist
2. something designed to be placed around the upper part of the body for a specific purpose other than use as clothing
3. a gownlike outer garment, with or without sleeves and sometimes belted, worn by the ancient Greeks and Romans.
4. a piece of such a fabric for a particular purpose

Transliteration : kañcukam Other spellings : kanchukam

Meanings in english :

As noun :
jacket cloth
tunic snake's skin

Meaning of kanchukam in tamil

marpu chchattai / மார்பு ச்சட்டை
chttai / சட்டைpu tavai / பு டவைpampuchchattai / பாம்புச்சட்டை
Tamil to English
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