kuppl meaning in english

Word: குப்பல் - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kuppl means
1. a great number of people gathered together; crowd; throng.
2. a guest or guests

Transliteration : kuppl Other spellings : kuppl

Meanings in english :

As noun :
heap or collection as of manure multitude

Meaning of kuppl in tamil

kuviyal / குவியல்kuttm / கூட்டம்

Identical words :

As adverb :
kuppalkuppalay ( குப்பல்குப்பலாய் ) - in crowds
kuppalkuppalaykkutta ( குப்பல்குப்பலாய்க்கூட்ட ) - to heap upkuppalvilaiyattu ( குப்பல்விளையாட்டு ) - play of chil dren in sand
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