petai meaning in english

Word: பேதை - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
petai means
1. an adult female person.
2. Biology. an organism, as an earthworm or plant, having normally both the male and female organs of generation.
3. the drawn sap, especially when fermented, of any of several toddy palms, used as a drink.

Transliteration : pētai Other spellings : petai

Meanings in english :

As adjective :

Meaning of petai in tamil

aṟivilan / அறிவிலான்
pen / பெண்peti / பேடிtarittiran / தரித்திரன்kl / கள்

Identical words :

petaittanam ( பேதைத்தனம் ) - simplicitypetaipputti ( பேதைப்புத்தி ) - weak intellectpetaimai ( பேதைமை ) - sim plicitypetaiyar ( பேதையர் ) - indigent
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