puchchiyam meaning in english

Word: பூச்சியம் - The tamil word have 9 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
puchchiyam means
1. a title for someone proclaimed by the Roman Catholic Church to have attained the first degree of sanctity or of an Anglican archdeacon.
2. a source of credit or distinction
3. favorable repute ; good name
4. Archaic. the act of showing or exhibiting; display.
5. to reveal; betray
6. vacant; unoccupied

Transliteration : pūcciyam Other spellings : puchchiyam

Meanings in english :

As noun :
display emptiness

Meaning of puchchiyam in tamil

menmai / மேன்மை
kirtti / கீர்த்திatamparam / ஆடம்பரம்in mai / இன் மைkuṟṟamaṟaikkai / குற்றமறைக்கை

Identical words :

puchchiyampanna ( பூச்சியம்பண்ண ) - to venerate
Tamil to English
English To Tamil