pinnl meaning in english

Word: பின்னல் - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
pinnl means
1. a woven fabric or garment.
2. a thin, silken material spun by spiders and the larvae of some insects, as the webworms and tent caterpillars; cobweb.
3. the characteristic structure of the interwoven or intertwined threads, strands, or the like, that make up a textile fabric
4. any ringlike, curving, or curling mass or formation
5. an act of twining, twisting, or interweaving.
6. the state of being entangled .
7. to involve in something that hampers, obstructs, or overgrows
8. to interfere with; curtail

Transliteration : piṉṉl Other spellings : pinnl

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of pinnl in tamil

பின்னியது / பின்னியது
chikku / சிக்குchatai / சடைpinniyatu / பின்னியதுchikku / சிக்குchatai / சடை

Identical words :

pinnalmotiram ( பின்னல்மோதிரம் ) - curious kind of ringpinnalvelai ( பின்னல்வேலை ) - net work
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