pirayacham meaning in english

Word: பிரயாசம் - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
pirayacham means
1. to attempt; try
2. an effort
3. an earnest or strenuous attempt
4. the body of persons engaged in such activity, especially those working for wages.
5. to put to inconvenience, exertion, pains, or the like
6. the special use or purpose to which something is put
7. Often, difficulties. an embarrassing situation, especially of financial affairs.
8. an instance or cause of this; something hard to bear , as a deprivation, lack of comfort, or constant toil or danger

Transliteration : pirayācam Other spellings : pirayacham

Meanings in english :

As noun :
effort labor application hardship

Meaning of pirayacham in tamil

pirayachai / பிரயாசை
ுயற்சி / முயற்சிuzaippu / உழைப்பு
Tamil to English
English To Tamil