tkkai meaning in english

Word: தக்கை - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
tkkai means
1. to move gently on the surface of a liquid; drift along
2. a collection of logs, planks, casks, etc., fastened together for floating on water.

Transliteration : tkkai Other spellings : tkkai

Meanings in english :

Meaning of tkkai in tamil

kutam pai / குதம் பை
ataikkuntakkai / அடைக்குந்தக்கைteppm / தெப்பம்pampai / பம்பைpalavattiyam / பலவாத்தியம்

Identical words :

takkaivaikka ( தக்கைவைக்க ) - to put a plug into the hole made in the ear to widen it
Tamil to English
English To Tamil