tuyilitam meaning in english

Word: துயிலிடம் - The tamil word have 9 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
tuyilitam means
1. a similar article of furniture, with a headrest at one end, on which some patients of psychiatrists or psychoanalysts lie while undergoing treatment.
2. a smaller piece of material, often ornamental, set under a dish of food, a lamp, vase, etc.
3. a room containing a number of beds and serving as communal sleeping quarters, as in an institution, fraternity house, or passenger ship.

Transliteration : tuyiliṭam Other spellings : tuyilitam

Meanings in english :

As noun :
mat dormitory

Meaning of tuyilitam in tamil

makkatpatukkai / மக்கட்படுக்கை
Tamil to English
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