utkolla meaning in english

Word: உட்கொள்ள - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
utkolla means
1. the art or science of restoring or preserving health or due physical condition, as by means of drugs, surgical operations or appliances, or manipulations
2. to hold, grasp, or grip
3. to engage in transcendental meditation , devout religious contemplation, or quiescent spiritual introspection.

Transliteration : uṭkol.l.a Other spellings : utkolla

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of utkolla in tamil

unna / உண்ண
tevappirachatamutkolla / தேவப்பிரசாதமுட்கொள்ளvizunka / விழுங்கmanatiṟkolla / மனதிற்கொள்ளtiruvulankolla / திருவுளங்கொள்ளutkaruta / உட்கருத
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