able meaning in telugu

Word: able
Meaning of able in english - capable of performing, having an innate capacity, able to perform well, having a proven capacity

Meanings in telugu :

sōdh ( సోఢ )

Identical words :

able to hear - dhurvahamu ( ధుర్వహము )

Synonyms of able

good adept apt competent easy ready adequate strong intelligent smart adroit agile alert bright cunning deft dexterous effortless equipped facile fitted knowing powerful worthy endowed skilled effective efficient responsible prepared keen accomplished artful au fait brilliant clever effectual experienced expert gifted ingenious learned masterful masterly practiced proficient qualified savvy sharp skillful talented trained with it equal to know backwards and forwards know the ropes there up to it up to snuff up to speed

Antonyms of able

incompetent unskilled unsuitable inadequate incapable unable disinclined stupid unintelligent ineffective infirm powerless useless feeble inept slow delicate weak impotent ignorant idiotic

Related English Telugu Meaning

ablution aftersacrificeablutionabnormal birthabodeabolishabominable wretchabominableaboriginal peopleaboriginesabounding in reedsaboundingabout an acreabout halfrupeeabout to beabout two rupeesaboutabove-mentionedaboveabridgedabridgment
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