flag meaning in telugu

Word: flag
Meaning of flag in english - pennant, symbol, decline, fall off, signal

Meanings in telugu :

sidamu ( సిడము )

Identical words :

As noun :
flagon - kalashamu ( కలశము )

Synonyms of flag

emblem banner streamer pennon colors ensign jack standard banderole bannerol burgee gonfalon fade ebb wane sag abate languish deteriorate droop wilt die faint slump pine weary sink fail succumb weaken peter out taper off indicate salute motion warn gesture hail wave

Antonyms of flag

enhance improve increase grow strengthen rise win

Related English Telugu Meaning

flagonflake of dried earthflake of earthflakeflameflankflanksflannelflap aboutflapflapping of an elephants earsflash of lightflash of witflashflashingflaskflat ceilingflat piece of metalflat place onhillflat ring used to keep other rings from slipping down from the fingers
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