jar meaning in telugu

Word: jar
Meaning of jar in english - container, shocking hit, shock, jolt, clash, disharmonize

Meanings in telugu :

zaadi ( ాడీ )

Identical words :

jar f - gaabu ( గాబు )

Synonyms of jar

jug flask urn vase can bottle vessel basin pot beaker crock decanter pitcher flagon chalice ewer vat burette cruet tun impact smash crash jounce bump concussion thump collision thud succussion rattle offend disturb irritate agitate jump slam jiggle quake shake jerk convulse vibrate rasp wobble wiggle bang bounce grate tremor grind annoy irk contend jangle discompose bicker discord disaccord disagree interfere nettle mismatch oppose outrage wrangle

Antonyms of jar

appease soothe calm harmonize please agree be still aid delight give in assist help

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