ulattu meaning in english

Word: உலாத்து - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ulattu means
1. used for or as an aid in walking
2. to make a short journey.
3. to take a course with many turns or windings, as a stream or path.
4. to wander or rove from place to place; roam
5. a trip on a train, ship, etc., at a reduced rate
6. a fully mature male animal of this type; stallion.
7. to go from one place of residence to another
8. something created anew.

Transliteration : ulāttu Other spellings : ulattu

Meanings in english :

As noun :
excursion horse move exercise

Meaning of ulattu in tamil

kiṟen / கிறேன்
ulattinen / உலாத்தினேன்ven / வேன்ulatta / உலாத்தulavappanna / உலாவப்பண்ணcharivara / சாரிவர

Identical words :

ulattukkattai ( உலாத்துக்கட்டை ) - pivot upon which a door or shutter turns
Tamil to English
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