urm meaning in english

Word: உரம் - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
urm means
1. mental power, force , or vigor.
2. securely fixed in place.
3. a relative degree or extent of this quality
4. arranged within a relatively small space
5. a goal or objective desired
6. a particular word , phrase, or form of words
7. the end, purpose, or significance of something
8. an adequate or abundant amount of such power

Transliteration : urm Other spellings : urm

Meanings in english :

As noun :
compactness coarseness aspiration expression energy fortitude breast chest force

Meaning of urm in tamil

vli / வலி
ukkm / ஊக்கம்marpu / மார்புnanm / ஞானம்vekam / வேகம்vayiram / வயிரம்tinmai / திண்மைmtil / மதில்

Identical words :

urampota ( உரம்போட ) - to manure landuramviza ( உரம்விழ ) - to get a particular ailment by rolling on the ground ap plied only to a child not twelve months old
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