vachanai meaning in english

Word: வாசனை - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
vachanai means
1. to test by the sense of smell
2. perfume, cologne, toilet water, or the like.
3. an extended stay in a place; sojourn.
4. a structure serving as a dwelling or home, especially one of large proportion and superior quality
5. familiarity or conversance, as with a particular subject or branch of learning
6. Speech. the oral interpretation of written language .

Transliteration : vācaṉai Other spellings : vachanai

Meanings in english :

fragrance abode residence knowledge experience of joys or sufferings by the senses reading reading and writing

Meaning of vachanai in tamil

mnm / மணம்
itm / இடம்as vachanam / as வாசனம்as ezuttuvachanai / as எழுத்துவாசனை

Identical words :

As noun :
vachanaipuchutal ( வாசனைபூசுதல் ) - unction of fragrant ointment
vachanaitatta ( வாசனைதட்ட ) - to perceive a smellvachanaittiraviyam ( வாசனைத்திரவியம் ) - mingled perfumevachanaippoti ( வாசனைப்பொடி ) - sweet scented pow dervachanaivita ( வாசனைவிட ) - to yield a fragrant smell
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