Bother meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bother
As noun : अँगुरियाना Ex:  Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me
Dont bother the professor while she is grading term papers
The mere thought of her bothered him and made his heart beat faster
अवझोरा Ex:  `Dont bother to call me back, he said huffily आपीड़न Ex:  Please don't bother about this mess . इंतशार Ex:  Don't bother about it . उंझट Ex:  Don't bother your head about me . कष्ट उठाना Ex:  Please don't bother with Jill . कष्ट देना Ex:  Don't bother me with your problems . कोफर Ex:  Hey, Bill! Bill: Don't bother me! I'm busy . खरखशा Ex:  The Turks did not bother to attack further and the French marched on to Adalia चपकुलिश Ex:  Continuity of this noise bother me चिंता करना Ex:  He did not bother to think about it चिंता खाई जाना Ex:  He is still on my heels, he follows me everywhere, it does not bother me leaving me in छरभार Ex:  I realize that I bother you, I leave you instead छोराछोरी Ex:  I will Please, if it does not bother you, allow him to go to see you जान खाना Ex:  If he gets angry, he will bother to défâcher जेरबारी Ex:  It only bother झंझट Ex:  It was good enough bother with this child झिगरा, झिगरो Ex:  Keep one thing in condition, the stand firm, so it does not bother झौँझट Ex:  Porter says the head of a strong odor, steam coal, certain wines that bother झौँर Ex:  The constant trampling of the child bother me ट्योंझा Ex:  This expression also means Watch a thing as serious and worthy bother with ठकठक Ex:  This is a man who does not bother about anything, Nothing trouble, nothing stops त्विष् Ex:  This shoe bother me, hurt me त‌ंग करना Ex:  Vexing, bother someone on little things नाक में दम करना Ex:  Why do you have this? I can not allow that to bother me all the time परीशानी Ex:  , After me the deluge, is said to be heard if they bother little about what will happen when we will no longer exist, or when you simply cease to function परेशान करना Ex:  why bother to tell him? what's the point? It applies in a similar sense, the mood, the state of mind, the ways a person परेशानी उ:   इसके बाद तीसरी बार उसके जीवन में परेशानी आती है। पिड़काना । पीड़ाकरण प्रबाधन बितंडा बिसूलना बेजारी मुखमसा वकूआ विहिंसन षट्राग संप्रतापन सरगर्दानी सरसेट सल्लनां हलाकानी ‡ हाय राम
As verb : अँगुरियाना Ex:  Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me
Dont bother the professor while she is grading term papers
The mere thought of her bothered him and made his heart beat faster
तंग करना Ex:  This lighting product on the paper highlights that bother me to write विडंब
Other : खिजाना Ex:  The job may be too boring to bother with चिन्ता Ex:  I am ashamed to bother you so many solicitations उ:   अतः ऐसे शरीर की मृत्यु के लिये चिन्ता व शोक करना उचित नहीं। जंजाल Ex:  I would rather believe that there are going to see is said in speaking of a thing which we doubt, but that does not bother to check, examine उ:   उनके जीवन-काल में अनेक जंजाल और संघर्ष आये। परेशान करना. Ex:  , The pear is ripe, the pear is not ripe, The case in question came, did not arrive precisely when it should bother with, we think of the end व्याकुल करना
Bother synonyms
aggravation distress strain irritation perplexity bellyache nuisance worry concern annoyance nudge exasperation ado headache pother to-do pain fuss drag pressure flurry plague bustle care anxiety difficulty irritant botheration trial pest problem vexation pain in the neck worriment molestation hinder dismay disturb aggravate bore perturb alarm upset irritate hurt torment irk exacerbate disgust embarrass scare nag afflict displease disconcert agitate cross provoke badger spite pester disquiet goad insult tantalize browbeat exasperate taunt needle impede bedevil tease pursue ride grieve harry discommode pick on put out carp at grate on intrude upon try worry about be concerned about concern oneself exert oneself fuss over make a fuss about make an effort put oneself out take pains go out of one's way
Bother antonyms
happiness health advantage delight calmness joy contentment tranquility aid comfort pleasure ease peace good health convenience help assist appease reassure soothe gladden assuage compliment praise ignore encourage make happy order relieve please satisfy stop support neglect
Usage of Bother in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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