Meaning of (वकूआ) vakooa in english

As noun : fracas, brawl
mess bore bother fuss worry occurrence Ex:  The occurrence of lung cancer in non-smokers occurence event Ex:  Video is not available of this event but a link to audio is present below. incident Ex:  Videos of the incident were played that evening throughout the country. case Ex:  In this vein, the Supreme Court held in the 1998 case Clinton v. decline Ex:  With their decline in official use happening Ex:  Confused as to what's happening go down sink set Ex:  Niagara Falls is a set of massive waterfalls located on the Niagara River thing Ex:  Advance one thing by turning on itself occasion Ex:  I can not find it in this occasion instance Ex:  In terms of procedure, a new development, Done that has not yet been produced in a previous instance occcurrence decrease Ex:  In terms of Arts, he said the gradual decrease in intensity of a current fall Ex:  Since the fall of the Berlin Wall shrink scene Ex:  Spoken word and poetry are also staples of the Seattle arts scene affair Ex:  I know the whole affair incident Ex:  Videos of the incident were played that evening throughout the country. event Ex:  Video is not available of this event but a link to audio is present below.
As verb : occur Ex:  However, numbers occur in many different contexts recede reduce Ex:  Drastic measures have been taken to reduce crime in the city. come down subside wane
As adjective : events Ex:  After the events of the Civil War
Suggested : the action, fact, or instance of occurring to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts fret to give trouble to annoy pester worry to pierce (a solid substance) with some rotary cutting instrument a dirty, untidy, or disordered condition
Exampleवकूआ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(वकूआ) vakooa can be used as noun, verb, adjective or intransitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender . Transliteration : vakuuaa

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