Decrease meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Decrease
As noun : उफताद Ex:  Lung function remained the same despite the decrease in medication.
ऐकध्य Ex:  Patients in the early stage of disease show a decrease in platelets कम करना Ex:  These studies have shown a significant decrease in cytokine output of कम होना Ex:  Elevated levels of ketone bodies in the blood decrease the blood's pH कमी Ex:  Kast attributed this effect to a decrease in anxiety. उ:   लोकोक्तियों तथा पहेलियों की भी कमी नहीं है। कृशत्व Ex:  This results in a decrease of the in-flow of gold in the long run. खिफ्फत Ex:  More frequent ejaculation also may decrease a man's risk of prostate cancer. घटती Ex:  The decrease in the white-grub population was attributed to the Cane Toad उ:   इस से आगे चलकर उनकी आय घटती है। घटना Ex:  Temperatures decrease with altitude, and hot weather is unknown above 4000 ft. उ:   यह घटना सदा सर्वदा अमावस्या को ही होती है। घटाना Ex:  There was a marked decrease from previous years in election-related violence तखफोफ Ex:  He said, in terms of decrease of Meteorology atmospheric pressure निखूटनापु Ex:  His fever starts decrease न्यून करना Ex:  His forces decrease प्रहाणि Ex:  In terms of architecture, it refers to the gradual decrease in thickness that gives a wall starting from the foot; the state of what is behind an alignment वकूआ Ex:  In terms of Arts, he said the gradual decrease in intensity of a current वाकया Ex:  In terms of jurisprudence, the reduction of a legacy, The decrease of a stronger legacy that the law allows विहाँणी Ex:  Increase, decrease gradually वुकूअ Ex:  Increase, decrease in length half, half संवार Ex:  Increase, decrease the price संवृत्ति Ex:  Increase, gradual decrease समुन्नय Ex:  It also means figuratively Yield of his claims, the price decrease was asked one thing समुपस्था, समुपस्थान Ex:  It gradually cleared his land by its economy, a decrease in spending ह्रास करना Ex:  It is attached in a manner similar to certain verbs which mark increase or decrease in ह्रास Ex:  It is said that even his credit, his favor decrease उ:   इससे लाल रक्त कोशिकाओं की ऑक्सीजन धारक क्षमता का ह्रास होने लगती है।
As verb : घटना या घटाना Ex:  N-Acetylcysteine may also decrease sputum viscosity
Other : उतार Ex:  there was a decrease in his temperature as the fever subsided उ:   ब्रिटिश युद्धपोत, ने भी एक टोकन बल को उतार दिया। कमी करना Ex:  The Liberal Party saw their percentage of the vote decrease dramatically कोताही Ex:  This can decrease height further क्षय Ex:  Some decrease in obsessive-compulsive behavior was also found. उ:   यह श्वास, अम्लपित्त, यकृतवृद्धि तथा क्षय में भी लाभदायक है। गिरावट Ex:  Conscription periods will decrease by two months each year उ:   यह आईपॉड बिक्री में एक महत्वपूर्ण गिरावट के साथ विपरीत था । घट Ex:  This decrease was partly due to garrisoning supply centres but disease उ:   घिरै बीजु, घट रहै न जीऊ। घटाव Ex:  Bring down, decrease the height घटी Ex:  even told Develop a camera, Increase or decrease the distance between the lens and the plate sensitive so that the image is the sharpest उ:   तत्पश्चात् घटी पल की कल्पना की होगी। घाटा Ex:  Focus liquid, decrease the amount of water it contains उ:   यह बहुत इकट्ठे कोर में हिस्टैरिसीस घाटा कम कर देता है। छय Ex:  Grammar That marks a decrease in the idea expressed by the radical न्यूनता Ex:  If restricted to one thing, Getting limit, s 'y decrease ह्रास होना Ex:  It is said of all which can be measured or numbers, all that is likely to increase or decrease
Decrease ki paribhasha : maan ya pad ki maryaada men dosh ya baadha hona praachin kaal men samay jaanane ke kaam men aanevaala ek vishesh jalapaatr pahale se chhota ya kam ho jaane ki kriya ya bhaav paas ke dravy aadi men truti ya kami koi baaj jo ho jaay
Decrease synonyms
decline loss shrinkage cutback discount reduction downturn contraction condensation compression ebb waning subsidence abatement depression diminution constriction dwindling declining decrescence falling off wane dwindle reduce soften curb weaken ease fall off drop off slash curtail depreciate deteriorate slump sink cut down lower slacken settle degenerate decay devaluate lighten modify quiet evaporate crumble quell wither restrain fade waste shrivel check droop calm down let up peter out wear down die down dry up lose edge narrow down run low slack off slow down tail off wear away
Decrease antonyms
increase enlargement expansion raise rise addition development growth improve ascend lengthen prolong compliment laud praise liberate expand extend strengthen irritate go up upset build
Usage of Decrease in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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