Break meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Break
As noun : अँगडा़ई Ex:  they hoped to avoid a break in relations
अंगम Ex:  After the break up of the Soviet Union, many republics broke away अंझा Ex:  he finally got his big break अन्तर Ex:  we took a 10-minute break उ:   पर जलवायु और मौसम में कुछ अन्तर है। अरुणोदय होना Ex:  Governments make laws and people break them. अलग हो जाना Ex:  a ten-minute coffee break अवकाश Ex:  police tried to break up the gang उ:   गुआना में होली के दिन राष्ट्रीय अवकाश रहता है। अवकास Ex:  A kick from a donkey is enough to break your bones. अवसर Ex:  We had to call a locksmith to break the lock. उ:   ऐसे कई अवसर चर्चित भी हुए। आना Ex:  You cannot break the law with impunity. उ:   यद्यपि वह १५वें स्थान पर आये तब भी उनका उभर कर आना सराहनीय है। आवना Ex:  They used the Ram machine to break the wall. इतलाक Ex:  To break the logjam means to change or deal with a difficult situation which has existed for a long time. इहतियाज Ex:  I didn't break the rules . उज्जृंभ Ex:  After a blow-off like that, we all need a break . उत्क Ex:  Please come by and break bread with us sometime . उपप्रदर्शन Ex:  I would like to break bread with you . उफताद Ex:  I was afraid I'd break down . ऊष Ex:  I want to break for coffee . कंठ फुटना Ex:  If you need to talk to me, just break in on me . कमज़ोर करना Ex:  No need to break my balls . कमजोर हो जाना Ex:  Please break down the total into its parts again . ख़राब करना Ex:  I need a lucky break about now . खाली या टूटी जगह Ex:  We all refused to break the law . खिल जाना Ex:  It's ten o'clock—time to take a break . खोलना Ex:  Comets are also known to break up into larger fragments गला भर आना Ex:  Although the Russian force finally managed to break through to the Old Town घाएँ Ex:  Hannibal tried to break the allegiance of Rome’s allies चियारना Ex:  When they could not break the chains चैँज Ex:  Loss of damaged nucleotides at the break site can lead to deletions छिल जाना Ex:  O'Neill is the longest-serving Speaker without a break . छुट्टी Ex:  Ludologists break sharply and radically from this. उ:   ज्यादा से ज्यादा सैनिकों को छुट्टी दे दी जाती है। छेती Ex:  These conflicts led to the break out of the First Boer War. जोर घटाना Ex:  Concerned as always with Modernismo's need to break from the past झंडा खोलना Ex:  It was during this period that Gondwana began to break up. टुकड़े करना Ex:  Trait theories attempts to break personality down into a number of traits टुकडे़ करना Ex:  While many expected Aaron to break Ruth's home run record in 1973 टुकड़े Ex:  By around the same time, 750 million years ago, Rodinia began to break up. टुट्टना Ex:  Following his break with the Encyclopedists टूटना Ex:  Either way, it signifies a break with the strict Sievers typology. उ:   इन्हें तारा का टूटना या उल्कापात कहते हैं। तंड़ना Ex:  After The Obsessed second break up तडका होना Ex:  During a recording break तबदुदुल Ex:  The next major break was after the Council of Chalcedon . तबाह करना Ex:  If the material is hit it may break like a solid glass तितर बितर करना Ex:  The weight of large numbers of epiphytes may break tree limbs. तोड़कर भागना Ex:  A break point occurs if the receiver, not the server, has a game point. त्रुटना Ex:  In a break with Ottoman tradition थपेड खाना Ex:  The pair's first big break was Janet Jackson's Control in 1986 थोड़ी देर के लिए रुकना Ex:  There is usually a 15-minute "half-time" break between halves. दरार Ex:  Further disputes led to a break between Educational and Sullivan. उ:   इसी के परिणामस्वरूप यहाँ पर दरार घाटी का निर्माण हुआ है। दिवालिया बना देना Ex:  During a short break early the next year दुर्बल कर देना Ex:  Commodore's plastic power bricks would typically break from overheating. निरूवारना Ex:  If it is too high the fiber will break during drawing पकड़ से निकल जाना Ex:  The final break came as Bismarck searched for a new parliamentary majority पकड़े से छुटना Ex:  Eucratides managed to break out and went on to conquer India". पर्यावर्त Ex:  They may become so large that they break the ocean surface as new islands. पुनरागम,नरागमन Ex:  Men who break windows do not stop there to talk to cops . फक्क Ex:  Action to break फरज Ex:  Anoint villain, he shall break you; फोड‌़ना Ex:  Break, dissolve, break a marriage बंद करना Ex:  Breaking the hand of a young man writing; break the writing बताना Ex:  Burn their brains to anyone, him break the head of a sudden gun fired at close range बदलना Ex:  By extension, édenter a saw, a comb, break the teeth in उ:   इसके विकास का एकमात्र उद्देश्य गांवों को बदलना था। बदल् दना Ex:  Forcing the set, Do not comply, the violent break बरिया Ex:  He got a break and it follows the blood बिगाड़ देना Ex:  I will break his arms and legs, I maltraiterai, I liked rouerai बिगाड़ना Ex:  icebreaker boat, boat fitted with a device designed to break up the ice in the rivers or in rivers बिघटाना Ex:  If alter, spoil, spoiling, if break बिदूखना, बिदूषना Ex:  In terms Fencing Fold a sudden, the divert, break the iron by lowering his enemy बिरम Ex:  In terms of art, it means Reattach the son of the chain or of the frame when they break बिसवना Ex:  In terms of Blason, full Weapons, Those that door as they are, without any écartelure nor break बिहडना Ex:  In terms of chemistry, simple Corps, Corps that so far it has been impossible to break बीचु् Ex:  In terms of chemistry, simple Corps, Corps That So far it has-been possible to break ब्रेक Ex:  In terms of jousts and tournaments, Breaking a spear, break the spear, Breaking launches a current or fighting against someone उ:   कोलकाता के लिए ब्रेक अप उपलब्ध नहीं है। भग जाना Ex:  intransitive verb BREAKING also means if and break, break भण्डा फोडना Ex:  is also said to a switch Do not break the wire my speech भाग आना Ex:  It also means to break its commitments Provoking in failing in his duty, speaking of workers, soldiers, etc मीँजना Ex:  It could make her clenched teeth, It could not get him to talk, to break silence मुद्रण Ex:  It is a crime to force to break, to break the seals उ:   कभी-कभी ये मुद्रण प्रभाव या रंगो से भी प्रकशित किये जाते है। मूँदना Ex:  It is also intransitive and said in a River when the ice to break and come to follow the course of water में रूकावट डालना Ex:  It means, figuratively, Take a bit spring break after serious concerns, after great pain after hard work मोसर ‡ Ex:  It says especially Waves that break following a violent impact against a rock, a dike, a rib, etc मोहलत Ex:  It threatened to break his arms and legs मोहलत Ex:  It threatened to break his arms and legs मौका Ex:  Let's break there, let's break it, when you want to stop someone to continue a speech displeases उ:   तीन विजेताओं को विलियम्स से मिलने का मौका दिया गया। यमन Ex:  Mend a break रजी Ex:  Nothing can break the chain that binds us रूकना Ex:  Our troops have managed to break रूकावट डालना Ex:  plastered Peace False peace, made in bad faith by both parties, each with the intention to break when will believe useful to its interests लीव Ex:  Printing Each of little boxes of different sizes or cells that divide a printing break लीव Ex:  Printing Each of little boxes of different sizes or cells that divide a printing break वश में कर लेना Ex:  Report, break the Armistice वश में करना Ex:  Right claimed to break the law under where the remains of a ship belonging to the Lord on the coast which he had broken वशि Ex:  rot is transitive, meaning Alter, spoil, spoil, break वशीकार Ex:  Sauté brains to someone, break him the head of a sudden firearm विच्छेद Ex:  Sugar let's break उ:   मेयर के साथ विच्छेद के बाद उनके सम्बन्ध मनोलो कार्डोना के साथ रहें। विनिमय करना Ex:  Tendency to break away from tradition to adopt modern ideas Religious विनिवर्ति Ex:  The colonel gave the order to break विभंज Ex:  Their anarchic doctrine tends to break all social ties विभाजित करना Ex:  They break my head with their cries विराम Ex:  This is a man who begins to break उ:   सामान्यतः दो हाफ के बीच में पन्द्रह मिनिट का विराम होता है। विश्रमण Ex:  To break a tooth, an arm, a leg विस्रंसन Ex:  To break a vein वुरूद Ex:  To break through the thicket वैढ़ना Ex:  To die to sin, vice, his passions, break with sin, vice, passions व्यपाश्रय Ex:  To do so, open, break through व्यवधान Ex:  To neglect, rape, break the rules व्यादन Ex:  Train, break a link व्यावृत् Ex:  We must break that leg to soften व्युदास Ex:  We need to break this hogshead -Dessus of the bar, below the bar व्य़ुपरम Ex:  We put him in such a job to break it to business, work शुरुआत Ex:  What is the cause of your silence, the long silence? After a long period without writing to you, I finally break the silence उ:   सन १९६८-६९ से लेखन की शुरुआत हुई। श्रथन Ex:  When he began to write again, after a break of ten years, he was no longer in tune श्वभ्र Ex:  When we tired all day, we need to break सत्ति Ex:  , break the brains to anyone, the tire noise strength or importunities सधिविच्छेद Ex:  , break the windows, household Do nothing in his remarks सधेला Ex:  , Break, break the head to someone of something with something, in L'annoy सन्धिभेद करना Ex:  , Breaking a spear, spears to break someone, Defend against those who attack समागमन Ex:  , Peace filled, False peace, made in bad faith by both parties, each with intention to break it, when will believe useful its interests समापत्ति Ex:  , Split the head to someone, break his head, break his head, The inconvenience by making a loud noise समाप्त कर देना Ex:  , Taking leave the dice to someone, break the dice, Get someone to surrender, to give up some enterprise समाप्त करना Ex:  , Taking leave the dice to someone, break the dice, Get someone to surrender, to give up some enterprise समाय Ex:  , Untangling the language, Making break the silence someone who wanted to keep the समुन्मीलन Ex:  Faire, break a Node समुपक्रम Ex:  Instrument to break the stem of hemp and flax to break the tow of chènevotte समै, समैया, समो Ex:  It bends and does not break साति Ex:  It bends and does not break सिरगनेस Ex:  se break the head, If the break or split it in falling, it hit against a hard body सुअवसर Ex:  We could make her clenched teeth, It could not get him to talk, to break the silence सुकून सुलझाना हल करना टुकड़े टुकड़े करना
As verb : अँटना Ex:  it takes several years before a magazine starts to break even or make money कम करना Ex:  I have to break in a new receptionist . खड़ना Ex:  He went at the door and tried to break it down . खाड़ेती Ex:  Max made a break for the door . गच्छाना Ex:  Gondwana began to break up 140 million years ago चटन Ex:  1814. This caused a war to break out between Sweden and Norway चरणचार Ex:  Klebold turned and fired a shot into an open library staff break room चलना Ex:  Chromosomal crossover is when two DNA helices break उ:   ग्लास्नोस्त के माध्यम से समाजवाद को लोकतंत्र की राह पर चलना था। चल्लना Ex:  There is no break between the first and second movements टुरन Ex:  He took a seven-month break from the game following the US Open पदक्रम Ex:  During her first summer break पदविक्षेप Ex:  This issue caused the communists to break away पादन्यास Ex:  It was during this period that Gondwana began to break up. प्रस्थावा Ex:  A good break फटना Ex:  Action to break फीटना Ex:  Break, break up clods of a field फूटना Ex:  Break, break violently बल तोड़ना Ex:  He said Betrothed that break their mutual commitment भंग करना Ex:  Instrument used to break some things and mainly hemp straw or वस्क Ex:  SOLUTION still means division, separation of the parts, interruption, break विथुरना Ex:  Take, shrink, break a commitment, commitments विप्रयाण Ex:  The recovery of cold, Restarting the cold after a break विभंज Ex:  Their anarchic doctrine tends to break all social ties सँचरना Ex:  You always break our ears, the head of the same सन्निवेश Ex:  , in terms of the War, Begin a body of troops, Begin to break the स्फोटित
As transitive verb : तोड़ना
Other : टुकड़े टुकड़े करना Ex:  Braves management wanted him to break the record in Atlanta टूट जाना Ex:  In an effort to find an alternative route and hence break the monopoly टूट Ex:  While he did not officially break with Mathers until 1904 उ:   हालांकि इनमें से अब कुछ गोटियां टूट चुकी है। तोडना Ex:  In order to break this line तोड़ Ex:  Schumann engineered a complete break towards the end of the year. उ:   अंग्रेजों ने राजा के किले को तोड़ दिया। तोड़ना Ex:  There is no particular linguistic break at the Prut river थोड़ी देर के लिए Ex:  Major League Baseball mandated a maximum break between half-innings फाड़ना Ex:  Break, break the truce
Break ki paribhasha : vah ansh jo tootakar alag ho gaya ho shatarnj ya chausar aadi khelon men kisi mohare ya goti aadi ko apane sthaan se badhaana ya hataanaa, athava taash ya gnjiphe aadi khelon men kisi patte ko khel ke kaamon ke liye sab khelanevaalon ke saamane phenkana kisi ulajhi hui vastu ki ulajhan door karana vah khaali jagah jo kisi chij ke phatane par lakir ke roop men pad laati hai vah yntr ho gaadiyon ko rokata hai kisi kriya ya vyaapaar ka kuchh der ke liye bad hona kisi vastu ke svaabhaavik gun ya roop ko nasht kar dena phati puraani bagadi jo niche rahati hai aur jisake oopar achchhi pagadi baaandhi jaati hai jaisa raha ho usase bhinn ho jaana kisi vastu ka aaghaata, dabaav ya jhatake ke dvaara do ya kai bhaagon men ekabaaragi vibhakt hona
Break synonyms
crack gap rift division gash tear discontinuity schism split fracture breach cleft disjunction rupture rent blow recess layoff intermission interval hiatus rest time off pause lull suspension respite letup caesura interlude lacuna downtime breather halt breathing space coffee break cutoff apnea ten time out trouble fight alienation clash divergence misunderstanding altercation estrangement separation disaffection dispute difference of opinion shot advantage chance opportunity occasion accident fortune show good luck stroke of luck favorable circumstances smash crash burst separate shatter damage crush snap sever demolish trash divide fragment disintegrate splinter bust eradicate part batter annihilate shiver total rend torpedo bust up finish off make hash of make mincemeat of pull to pieces contravene disobey infringe disregard offend infract transgress renege on subdue incapacitate impair controvert cripple impoverish demote enervate bankrupt refute ruin tame disprove demoralize reduce degrade downgrade pauperize undermine humiliate confound cow demerit enfeeble dispirit rebut confute declass disconfirm abandon discontinue suspend give up disclose reveal communicate divulge proclaim inform convey impart transmit announce come out let out make public pass on beat surpass exceed excel outstrip outdo go beyond develop appear transpire befall erupt betide occur come off burst out come forth come to pass escape dash fly decamp flee abscond clear out get out bust out cut and run get away lighten lessen soften diminish moderate
Break antonyms
closing juncture binding fastening continuation continuity bad luck misfortune closure agreement connection association attachment combination persistence energy marriage peace concord harmony union mend combine unite aid put together obey stabilize cause hide wait fix lose join help secure strengthen allow keep quiet secret stay regard assist improve upgrade invigorate grow support encourage promote endorse raise approve elevate restart continue conceal withhold suppress bottle up refrain secrete cover keep secret take fail fall behind be inferior remain face increase enlarge expand extend upset
Usage of Break in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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