Meaning of (रजी) rajee in english

As noun : desire Ex:  Mouvement bringing to desire that which can satisfy the needs and instincts
will Ex:  Finland, Ireland and Estonia will also contribute. notion Ex:  To have a slight notion of something longing appetite Ex:  , appetite Having opened early, prematurely Find something useful and pleasant willing volition itch wish Ex:  I wish you all sorts of prosperity accord readiness wishfulness care Ex:  CARE also means the load, function, the duty to take care of something, to be ensure wishing mind Ex:  Fear troubled his mind want Ex:  Anyone in the world can write anything they want about any subject stomach Ex:  My stomach is not made for this kind of food leave Ex:  The crew could leave the firing site within 30 minutes. holiday Ex:  The Blair family was often taken on holiday to Rossnowlagh vacation Ex:  By extension and colloquially, it means day of rest and vacation getaway leave of absence break Ex:  Nothing can break the chain that binds us consent Ex:  Some decisions also required unanimous consent of the Assembly assent Ex:  It also means giving full assent to a thing, and in this sense it is usually preceded by the preposition to okay blessing Ex:  The blessing of the Blessed Sacrament say so Ex:  You make me pity to say so go ahead the all clear authorizisation permit let Ex:  Discover the game, let see or show their cards ; Play and figuratively so make his game authorization Ex:  Request, obtain grant authorization behest instruction Ex:  However, in the plural, the word is often used to refer again This or that diet instruction and education order Ex:  Troops were still in Port Said when the order came from London. direction(s instruction(s formal order charge Ex:  Jurisprudence act by which one makes the task of dealing with someone who is free charge permission Ex:  Prince has refused Yankovic permission to record parodies of his songs. command Ex:  Rachmaninoff had great command of counterpoint and fugal writing. dictate commandment call Ex:  others call Aiguillons authority Ex:  The government recognises the authority of traditional chiefs nod Ex:  Make nod consent Ex:  Some decisions also required unanimous consent of the Assembly acknowledgement reception Ex:  The reception was in London's Regent's Park, with Walters as best man. confession Ex:  It also said the Priest who has power of hearing confession approval Ex:  Bush received an approval rating of 26 percent yielding concession Ex:  I will make you a great concession sanction assent Ex:  It also means giving full assent to a thing, and in this sense it is usually preceded by the preposition to admission Ex:  I can, without any shame, you do this admission acknowledgment passage Ex:  A typical passage about the two reads acceptance Ex:  These are offer and acceptance homologation conceding
As verb : order Ex:  Troops were still in Port Said when the order came from London.
Suggested : a desire for food or drink strong, persistent desire or craving, especially for something unattainable or distant a general understanding vague or imperfect conception or idea of something am (is, are, etc) about or going to to wish or long for crave want
Exampleरजी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of रजी:
1. सेल नियुक्ति घोटाले मामले में रजी और जटिया के बेटों ने बेल बांड भर पाई जमानत LiveHindustan2. सिब्ते रजी और जटिया के बेटे फंसे LiveHindustan3. ये कॉलेज है या मतदान केंद्र : डॉ. एसएस रजी LiveHindustan
(रजी) rajee can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender . Transliteration : rajii

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