rajee example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest रजी rajee news and headlines :
1. सेल नियुक्ति घोटाले मामले में रजी और जटिया के बेटों ने बेल बांड भर पाई जमानत LiveHindustan2. सिब्ते रजी और जटिया के बेटे फंसे LiveHindustan3. ये कॉलेज है या मतदान केंद्र : डॉ. एसएस रजी LiveHindustan

Given are the examples of hindi word rajee usage in english sentences. The examples of rajee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., desire, will, notion, longing, appetite, willing, volition, itch, wish, accord, readiness, wishfulness, care, wishing, mind, want, stomach, leave, holiday, vacation, getaway, leave of absence, break, consent, assent, okay, blessing, say so, go ahead, the all clear, authorizisation, permit, let, authorization, behest, instruction, order, direction(s, instruction(s, formal order, charge, permission, command, dictate, commandment, call, authority, order, nod, consent, acknowledgement, reception, confession, approval, yielding, concession, sanction, assent, admission, acknowledgment, passage, acceptance, homologation, conceding.

Religious teachers walked from village to village, town to town, stopping to offer instruction and advice on the way.धार्मिक गुरू लोगों को शिक्षा और सलाह देते हुए एक गाँव से दूसरे गाँव तथा एक कसबे से दूसरे कसबे जाया करते थे|

You will sometimes find AD before dates. This stands for two Latin words, ‘Anno Domini’, meaning ‘in the year of the Lord’ (i.e. Christ).कभी-कभी तुम तिथियों से पहले ए-डी- (हिंदी में ई-) लिखा पाती हो| यह ‘एनो डोमिनी’ नामक दो लैटिन शब्दों से बना है तथा इसका तात्पयर् ईसा मसीह के जन्म के वर्ष से है|
She also has to ensure that production is carried out according to plans in order to ensure regular sales.
Later in this chapter you will understand that although both of them are managers, they function at different levels in the organisation.
Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Management is defined as t he process of planning, organising, actuating and controlling an organisation s operations in order to achieve coordination of the human and material resources essential in the effective and efficient attainment of objectives.
Management is a very popular term and has been used extensively for all types of activities and mainly for taking charge of different activities in any enterprise.
These functions are planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling which we will discuss later in the chapter and the book.
This is done in terms of problems to be solved, decisions to be made, plans to be established, budgets to be prepared, responsibilities to be assigned and authority to be delegated.
Management of operations: No matter what the organisation, it has some basic product or service to provide in order to survive.
In order to be successful, an organisation must change itself and its goals according to the needs of the environment.
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