Card meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Card
As noun : अभिवादन कार्ड Ex:  Smart card helps in issuing the passports to people quickly.
आदमी Ex:  He was shown red card for foul play. उ:   दो आदमी अलग अलग रथ पर सवार होकर किसी वन में गए। इश्तिहार Ex:  He was shown the red card for foulness. उरेहनापु Ex:  I recieved her post card today only. एकलो Ex:  He played the trump card to win his boss. कंघा Ex:  Ted drew a card and faced it down . उ:   तब फिर कंघा चलाकर कपड़ा बुना जाता है। कंघी से साफ़ करना Ex:  In 2008, the abalone card also came with a set of 24 tags. कटखना Ex:  Almost no one can make a living at cigarette card or stamp collecting कमानगरी Ex:  Nintendo released a Game Boy Color version of the trading card game in Japan. कार्ड Ex:  With this trump card in hand उ:   यहाँ शादी के कार्ड भी मिलते हैं। कार्यक्रम Ex:  Transport operators have organised lotteries that are based on these card IDs. उ:   इसे संगीत कार्यक्रम के व्यापार में एक बडा कदम है। कूटनाति Ex:  Netrunner is a collectible card game introduced in 1996 गत्ता Ex:  Nintendo resolved the problems by switching to a standard card edge connector गवँन Ex:  All of the Famicom systems used standard card edge connectors गाता Ex:  If the card cannot be produced immediately उ:   वह एक दो लाईन का पद सुरीले व तीव्र स्वर में गाता है। चर्ड् Ex:  Japan, the business produced and marketed a playing card game called Hanafuda. चाल Ex:  Should a player accidentally see a card उ:   इससे नाराज उनके माता-पिता आखिरकार एक बुरी चाल चलते हैं। चिपकाना Ex:  Should a card accidentally become exposed जने Ex:  If there is a sense in which a card game can have an "official" set of rules झोँट Ex:  Many widely-played card games have no official regulating body. ठट्ठेबाज Ex:  In many official sets of rules for card games ठलवारि Ex:  For example, "Sheila just led a card when it wasn't her turn. ताश का पत्ता Ex:  TfL has introduced the Oyster card ताश Ex:  In casinos where a hole card is dealt उ:   "हमने पिया, टीवी देखा और ताश खेला, इंतज़ार किया। तूलकार्मुक, तूलचाप, तूलधनुष Ex:  This practice minimizes the risk of inadvertently revealing the hole card धुअनना Ex:  Once the user has their user card धुअननी से साफ़ करना Ex:  By 1950, the IBM card had become ubiquitous in industry and government. धुनकना Ex:  Almost immediately card rooms across the state offered Texas hold 'em. धुनकी से रोआँ खरोंचना Ex:  A final single community card is then dealt धुनकी से साफ़ करना Ex:  Turn: Alice now burns another card and deals the turn card face up. धुनकी Ex:  A kicker is a card which is part of the five card poker hand धुनना Ex:  Suppose the final card was the , making the final board . धुननी से खरोंचना Ex:  A five card board is dealt धुननी से साफ़ करना Ex:  A second yellow card at the same game leads to a red card धुन्नना Ex:  A referee can show a yellow or red card to a player नहुष्य Ex:  As they leave Deckard finds an origami unicorn, a calling card left by Gaff. Ex:  Credit card use is limited in Sierra Leone पट्र Ex:  Cover stock is generally 68 lb, and 110 lb or more is considered card stock. पट्रक Ex:  Mantle was a prize guest at any baseball card show पतउआ Ex:  The duration of the travel card validity depends on the exact type पत्ता Ex:  A 30-day card costs 620 SEK . उ:   उसकी इच्छा के बिना इस दुनिया में एक पत्ता भी नहीं हिल सकता। पत्रक Ex:  A card game उ:   दिक्सूचक पत्रक कागज अथवा अभ्रक की एक क्षैतिज वृत्ताकार चकती होती है। परिचय कार्ड Ex:  A card game परिचय पट्रक Ex:  BATTLE still said to a card game species, which is the simplest of all पर्न Ex:  By extension, This card gains means Whoever wins this card पालब Ex:  card पींजना Ex:  card game Sort पोस् Ex:  card game Sort पोस्ट कार्ड Ex:  card game Sort प्रेण Ex:  card game Sort प्लेइंग कार्ड Ex:  card game Sort बर्हण Ex:  Cards that card returns to some games at the end of the distribution, which usually determines the asset बल्लेबाजों का क्रम Ex:  Collet mounted Collet woman where there was the card or wire to support it बिक्ति Ex:  For card games, Jeter his cards Refuse to play बुलावा पत्रक Ex:  For card games, when you do not cut short, it must overlap बेकत Ex:  Game card game Sort भुरकी Ex:  GO is said, in terms of card games, talking What we ventured to the game भोजन सूची Ex:  Having too card in his game मनसेधू ‡ Ex:  He also said one of the colors of the card game marked by small red squares मनुजात Ex:  He returned her a card that makes it beautiful game मर्य्यादा Ex:  He spun the card to give as मसखरा Ex:  In terms of card game, he said, Each of the four brands called spades, clubs, hearts and diamonds मीनू Ex:  In terms of card game, it is said of a card on which is painted the figure of a page or valet, and exists in each of the four colors of the game मुरती Ex:  In terms of card games मुलाकाती कार्ड Ex:  In terms of card games, giving the cards, or simply giving Distribute players how many cards it takes each रँहति Ex:  In terms of card games, it means Giving Cards राण Ex:  In terms of card games, it means What remains of cards, after we gave each player the number who deserves रूई धुनना Ex:  In terms of card games, it refers to one or more low cards of the same color as that primary custody wants to keep रूढ़ि Ex:  In terms of card games, Take maps, Change one or more cards of his game as far Heel card रोआँ निकालना Ex:  In terms of card games, which Pull will, who will start, who will give the cards लटपटानि Ex:  In terms of Cards game, Blow the cutting deftly Restore a card game in the state it was in before it was cut लिखना Ex:  In terms of playing cards, he said of the Separation one player is a card game in two parts, after the person who gives a mixed उ:   उसके बाद से उन्होने अपना कविता लिखना जारी रखा। लिखारी Ex:  In terms of Printing, he said to a two-page card वाताय Ex:  It also designates a card to play or side of a dice, bringing two points विज्ञापन पट्रक Ex:  It also means, for card games, dice, etc वींखा Ex:  It also means, in terms of cards played, a card that has five brands वृक्षदल, वृक्षपत्र, वृक्षपएँ Ex:  It also said the card game itself and the profits or losses of which it is an opportunity वृधसानु Ex:  It also works in terms of card games, to indicate the function of the player named banker, who distributes the cards and plays alone against all other players वृषसानु Ex:  It lacks a card to this game, a play that chess व्यवसाय कार्ड Ex:  It means still, game cards, the card is marked with four hearts, four clubs, etc शकु Ex:  It must return a card शकुन पट्रक Ex:  It particularly says One of the four colors of the card game, in which points are represented by hearts शर्यात Ex:  It still refers in terms of card games, a marked map of seven hearts, seven clovers, etc संदेश पट्र Ex:  Kind card game that came to us from Spain सूचनी Ex:  Kind card game that is played in four and with a set of fifty-two cards सूची Ex:  Make a card उ:   मुग़ल सम्राटों की सूची कुछ इस प्रकार है। स्थूर Ex:  Make card tricks हस्तिघ्न Ex:  Play a card game continually whatsoever हेचमर्द Ex:  Playing a card, Discard a card दफ़्ती
Other : दर्ज़ करना Ex:  21st Century Blackjack is commonly found in many California card rooms. परिपथ बोर्ड Ex:  BEAST, name, also means a card game Sort that is played three, four or five
Card ki paribhasha : kaagaj ke kai paraton ko saatakar banaayi hui daphti jo praayaः jild aadi baaandhane ke kaam aati hai lakadi, sing aadi ki bani hui chij jisamen lnbe patale daaant hote hain do vastuon ko sikara, milaakara, chipakaakar athava isi prakaar ke kisi aur upaay se ek karana kisi nukoli vastu se rokha ke roop men chihn karana kisi lasili vastu ko bich men dekar do vastuon ko paraspar is prakaar jodna ki ve jaldi alag na ho saken kiye jaanevaale ya honevaale kaamon ka kram ya vyavastha gupt baata, rahasy ya bhed bataanevaala ek prakaar ka jaradoji kapad jisaka taana resham ka aur baana baadale ka hota hota hai ped ya paudhe ke sharir ka vah hare rng ka phaila hua avayav jo kaand ya tahani se nikalata hai aur thode dinon ke pichhe badal jaata hai chhote tatha mote kaagaj par likha hua khoola patr
Card synonyms
sheet poster label program calendar ticket badge check square schedule docket billet tally identification voucher agenda pass timetable cardboard fiberboard
Usage of Card in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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